ÐåñéãñáöÞ: Pharmaceutics journals

ÐåñéãñáöÞ: Free pharmaceutics journals


ÐåñéãñáöÞ: Pharmaceutics journal articles

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“C.V.P. PHARMACEUTICS” journal is an official scientific journal of the Publishing House “VIPAPHARM” and aims to contribute to the constant scientific training, so as to promote pharmaceutical research, technology and science, and the profession of pharmaceutics, in general.

Our journal’s principles are:

  1. The researchers – authors are given the opportunity to present their papers / research/ reviews (scientific work) in detail, so that the readers will be able to value the true merit of their scientific work. Therefore, there are no restrictions regarding the length of the submitted scientific works or the number of the bibliographical references.
  2. To offer a scientist, as well as an ordinary citizen, the opportunity to have free access to knowledge, and be able to freely express their inquiries, questions, opinions and comments on any scientific publication, and also to be able to participate in a forum related to the publication. For each one of our publications, a special website has been formed entitled “comments on the published papers”, where a reader will have the opportunity to express his comments, opinions, inquiries, questions and observations, as well as to participate in a forum related to the publication. In that website the author can respond to reader questions and support his views. We believe that only when a scientific publication is subjected to such an extensive public judgment, will it be considered as deserving and of high quality in the international scientific community.

In order to accomplish these goals, we are publishing in Greek and in English language, articles in the following categories:

  1. Researches. First-time published clinical, experimental and theoretical studies. There are no restrictions whatsoever, regarding the size of the text of the submitted scientific work, or the number of the bibliographical references.
  2. Reviews. A combined presentation of the recent evolutions on modern scientific matters. Reviews dealing with scientific subjects of a wider interest are preferable, as well as those presenting the conclusions of a series of research topics of the authors themselves. There are no restrictions whatsoever, regarding the size of the text of the submitted scientific work, or the number of the bibliographical references.

In consultation with the Editorial Manager, notices of scientific events may be published in a special column of the journal.

All articles published in C.V.P. journals of “VIPAPHARM” Publishing House should not be republished in any way without the written approval of the chief editor.




It is required that all material to be published in C.V.P. journals be sent in three copies, to the following address:




30, Plastira & 65, Iokastis strs.

N. Zografou 157.72

Athens, Greece


E-mail address: Secretary-CVPpharmaceutics@Scientific-Journal-Articles.org

Supplementary Submission Formhas to be completed and accompany the submitted papers.

At receipt of the submitted papers, a Reg. Number will be assigned to them. Authors will refer to the Reg. Number when they communicate with the journal. A delay of beyond six months by the authors to return their corrected papers, will lead to a re-submission (new Reg. number).


Submission of the papers in compurerized format

It is required that papers be submitted in computerized format, as it shortens the publication time in the journal and the Internet. Send your manuscript in a diskette, following carefully the instructions given below:

  • A printed copy of your manuscript written in accordance to the instructions of the journal to the authors must accompany your diskette.
  • The printed copy and the disk file must correspond exactly.
  • Use the MS Word for Windows as a word processor. Save your file in HTML DOCUMENT format.
  • Save and send the file of your manuscript on a DVD or CD-ROM.
  • Do not use the space bar to make indents or to construct tables. A tabulator or an indent command should be used for this purpose.
  • Put only one space after punctuation symbols.
  • Do not insert page numbers manually. Use the automatic pagination incorporated in your word processor.
  • To emphasize words or phrases in the text, use italic and / or bold characters.
  • On the label of the diskette write the number of your manuscript and the name of your file saved in it.
  • Pack your diskette safely to avoid any damages when transported.




The journal, as far as it concerns the writing of the manuscripts, follows the guidelines set by the International Committee of Biomedical Journals Editors (see also, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, N. Engl. J. Med. 1991; 324:424-428 or The Athens Medical Company: The medical issue and its editing. Clinical Tuition Center 1984).

The articles should be submitted typed in double spacing on the one side of each page, in white paper, size A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), margins at least at 2,5 cm. The articles in Greek language should be written according to the monotonic intonation system and preferably in demotic Greek. The Editorial Team may make some corrections in the way of expression, in order to ensure the necessary linguistic uniformity of the manuscripts. Only the following parts of the issues should start on a new page: title page, summary in Greek, main body of the article, acknowledgments, summary in English, bibliography, each Table, if any, each picture, if any, and each caption under the pictures, if any. All pages will be numbered with an indication on the upper right corner, starting from the title page.

  1. Title page. It is required that the first page of all the articles without exception be submitted to the Journal and include:
    1. The article’s title should not be larger than 15 words. No abbreviations of words or phrases are allowed in the title. On the other hand, any internationally accepted terms or symbols are accepted.
    2. The name(s) of the author(s) (last name and initial of first name).
    3. The name of the Foundation or Laboratory that indicates the origin of the article. If there are more than one, it should be indicated numerically to which the author belongs.
    4. 2-5 key words. These words represent international dictionary terms of Index Medicus and their rendering in Greek, as made by IATROTEK (Mesh – Hellas – Biomedical Terminology).
    5. The exact address and telephone of the person responsible for the correspondence of the author with the journal.
    6. A short title (40 letters in maximum)
    7. Reference of the resources that helped for the completion of the article.

Please note that the points i-v above will be written in English or both in Greek and English, regardless the original language of the article, while the rest of the points will be written only in the original language of the article.


  1. Summary. The reviews and the research, regardless their original language, must be accompanied by an English summary or both a Greek and an English summary of 250 words minimum and 400 words maximum. More specifically, the research summaries are divided in four paragraphs entitled in turn: AIM, SAMPLE – METHOD, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS. Abbreviations of words or phrases are permitted, as long as they first appear in a parenthesis beside the abbreviated word or phrase in the summary. This is an absolute requirement of The Editorial Management, especially for the English summaries, as it will be a very important criterion for the acceptance of the journal by the International Journal Catalogues.


  1. Main body of the text. Reviews and articles of the Constant Scientific Training are being capitalized. The chapters and subchapters are numbered with the Arabic numbering system. The subchapters’ numbering also includes the chapter’s or subchapter’s number, which is subdivided as follows, i.e. 1.1, 1.2 or 1.1.1., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., etc. A table of contents in a separate page, is always preceding the main body of the text of the Constant Scientific Training Articles.

All research is divided, as a rule, in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Material and Method, (c) Results and (d) Discussion.

The interesting cases are divided in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Incident Description and (c) Comments. The short publications are divided in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Material and method and (c) Results and discussion.

Word or phrase abbreviations are permitted, as long as they are mentioned in a parenthesis by the word or phrase related to them when they first appear in the text. The explanation of these abbreviations in the text is required even when the explanation itself is given in the summary. On the contrary, the symbols proposed by international associations do not need any definitions. Authors should be very careful when using the most recent suggested terms and symbols (i.e. vacteria is written in its Latin name and in italics), as well as with its official rendering in Greek (i.e. “éóôéïêõôôÜñùóç” and not “éóôéïêýôôùóç”). The units of various sizes should be mentioned in internationally accepted symbols. Finally, it is advisable to avoid using verbs in the first person. In cases of research concerning humans, it is required that it be mentioned that the Helsinki Declaration (1975) has been observed. All pharmaceutical substances should be mentioned by their common name.


  1. Acknowledgments. Should be addressed only to persons who have substantially contributed to the research or the writing of the articles.
  2. Bibliographic references. The International Prototype of Medical Articles Editing is being followed (Vancouver system). The bibliographical references in the text are being numbered in ascending order in turn of appearance. In exactly the same turn and number they are referred too in the bibliographical list, which should include all the references of the text and only them. In case of a reference in other authors’ names in the text, only their last name should be mentioned. In the Greek articles, if there are two authors, an “and” is used between the two names, while if they are more than two, the last name of the first one is being mentioned followed by the indication “et al”, when these authors are foreigners and the indication “êáé óõí” when they are Greek. In the bibliographical list, for each reference the following data in the given order should also be written: Last names and initials (without any dots among them) of the authors (up to six, without “and” or “êáé” before the last one, if they are more, only the first six are mentioned and then it follows the indication “et al” or “êáé óõí”), the title of the article, the official (Index Medicus) abbreviation of the journal’s name (with no dots), the year of publication, the vol. Number (not the issue number, but only the supplement number, if that is the case), the first and the last page of the publication. (The names of the journals not included in the Index Medicus are written as they are). For example, Rapaport J, Antam M, Charmostiz C, Brooks JG: Defective high density lipoprotein composition in patients on chronic hemodialysis. N Engl J Med 1978, 229:1326-1331. If the article is not signed, it should indicate “Anonymous” or “Áíþíõìïò” where the name of the author would have been written. If a reference is made to a summary of an issue announced in a conference, after its title, the name of the conference should be written in short, the city where the event was held, the year (not the exact date) and the corresponding page or the summary number in the abstracts volume (that is, “Book of Abstracts, p. 23” or “Ôüìïò ÐåñéëÞøåùí, óåë. 54” or “Abstract R245” or “Ðåñßëçøç 87”). When it is a book or a monograph, the following order should be followed: the name of the author, the title, the publishing number (if there are more than one works), the publisher, the place of publishing, the year of publishing and the reference pages. For example: Nunn JF: Applied Physiology. 2nd ed, McGraw Hill, New York, 1977:50-65. When it is about a book’s chapter, it should also record, right after the authors’ names and the title of the chapter, the names of the editor or the editors and the book’s title. For example: Massy SG, Klein KL: Effects of bile duct ligation on renal function. In: Epstein M (ed) The Kidney in Liver Disease. Elsevier, New York, 1978:58-82. The non-published papers and the personal contacts should not be used as bibliographic references. On the other hand, they may be mentioned in a parenthesis, in the relevant point of the text, together with the author’s name (i.e. “Rapaport et al, unpublished results” or “Ormerond, personal contact”). Articles accepted for publishing, may be used as a bibliographic reference. In that case, after the journal’s abbreviation it should be written “in press” or “under publication” and the articles are sent together during the submission in order to be taken into consideration by the judges.


  1. Pictures. Pictures, diagrams, shapes, etc are considered in the papers as pictures, are referred to the points of the text where they correspond to and are numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers. Three series of original pictures of the articles should be sent, packed in such a way that they will not be destroyed during transportation. In the back of every original photograph has to be written on a sticker, the name of the first author of the article and the number of the picture, as well as an indication of the upper part of the picture. The quality of the originals should be appropriate for direct photographic reproduction and printing, according to the aesthetic layout of the Journal. In order to avoid any reduction of the size that may alter the content, the pictures have to have a size appropriate for the size of the Journal. All the pictures have to have captions including a short title and the necessary definitions, which have to be set under the picture. The captions of the pictures are also written altogether in a separate page of the article, as the contents list. Pictures of patients, have to be such that the patients won’t be recognizable. Otherwise, a written approval of the patient for the publication of the photograph is required.

Moreover, it is required that the pictures be sent in their electronic format together with the text of the submitted paper. In their electronic format the pictures have to be interpolated in the text of the paper exactly at the point where reference to them is made.


  1. Tables. The number of the tables is limited to what is necessary. The results of the paper included in tables should not be repeated in the Results’ chapter, neither should they be appointed to pictures or vice versa. All the tables have to be referred to the points of the text where they correspond to and should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers. The tables are typed in accordance to Word software of Microsoft. All the tables should have captions, written on the upper part of the relevant table. Each column and line should have a short explanatory title. The use of the abbreviated words should be avoided and any definitions should be mentioned as references at the end of each table.

It is required that tables be sent in electronic format. In their electronic format the tables should be interpolated in the text of the paper, at the point where reference is made to them or at the end of the article.


  1. New technological products (video, etc). We encourage authors to include in their work any kind of technological products, such as videos, animated pics, etc.

Moreover, “VIPAPHARM” Publishing House has a special department that is able to create and construct <<new type technological products>> on authors’ request. The cost of the creation and construction of these <<new type technological products>> is incurred by the authors and only. For further information please contact the journal’s publisher.


  1. Short curriculum vitae. A short curriculum vitae of those responsible for the work/paper, minimum length 250 words and maximum 400 words.




The correction of the proofs by the authors may be done only once. Extended changes in the articles are not allowed at this point.

The content of the articles submitted for approval are not returned to the authors (regardless whether they are approved or not in the end).




The order of offprints (printing of the said publication and its sending to the author) is being realized after a direct agreement between the author and the Editing Manager of the journal and the expense is incurred by the author and only.




The author of the article, of which the publication has been approved, is due to pay to the journal the publishing expenses for the article, within 7 days from the date of notifying him of the approval. In case of a non-timely payment of the fare, the publishing of the submitted paper is being rejected.

After the author pays the publishing expenses to the journal, the journal will publish in its website the said paper within 30 days and will then send to the author an invoice for the provided services, as well as an official certificate of publishing for the said paper. The official certification of publishing records the name of the journal, the date of publishing of the paper, the title – subject of the paper, the name of the author, and the fact that it has successfully passed the judging procedure, in which it has been subjected to. The scope of the official certification of publishing is to certify that the said paper has been realized with success by the author and always according to the orders of science; with the use of a scientifically accepted methodology and that it has resulted in correct and useful conclusions both for society and science.

Your article can be published free of charge, if it meets certain terms, as determined by the Editing Manager. You may submit an abstract of your article to the Editing Manager for such determination.





Number of words of the entire text given for publishing



Scientific researchers

50 Î

After communication with the Editing Manager


50 Î

After communication with the Editing Manager

Your article can be published free of charge, if it meets certain terms, as determined by the Editing Manager. You may submit an abstract of your article to the Editing Manager for such determination.



Regarding the judgment of the documents submitted for publication, the Election Committee of the Newspaper established a Committee of Judges of Scientists. The Judges Committee may consult scientists and experts on relevant issues from around the world.

The names of members of the Publishing Committee and the Committee of Judges are not made public (a) in order to preserve the objectivity of judges' judgment, since the author / investigator is judged without the judges knowing who the investigator-researcher is, and vice versa; (b) in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. 



“VIPAPHARM” Publishing House has a special department that offers its technical support to authors. The technical support concerns all the phases, from the typing to the creation of the animated images, video, audios and any kind of <<new type technological products>>, that they may be hosted in the Internet. The expenses of the technical support are born by the authors and only and the cost depends on the kind of the technical support they will ask for. For further information please contact the Editing Manager of the journal.

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ÐåñéãñáöÞ: Scientific journal articles online

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