Περιγραφή: free online journal articles

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Περιγραφή: scientific journal articles

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The international scientific e-journals currently issued by “VIPAPHARM” Publishing House are the following:


            1. C.V.P. pharmaco-economics ISSN: 2241-4681
            2. C.V.P. medical   ISSN: 2241-4649
            3. C.V.P. pharmaceutics  ISSN:2241-4657
            4. C.V.P. pedagogics & education  ISSN:2241-4665
            5. C.V.P. Physics  ISSN: 2241-4673


The following scientific e-journals are under construction and please note that you can start right now to send in your scientific papers for publication in our first volume about to come out:


            1. C.V.P. Theology & Social Theology
            2. C.V.P. Law
            3. C.V.P. Economics
            4. C.V.P. Political sciences & Public Administration
            5. C.V.P. Dentistry
            6. C.V.P. Cosmetology
            7. C.V.P. Nursing
            8. C.V.P. Literature
            9. C.V.P. History and Archeology
            10. C.V.P. Philoshopy
            11. C.V.P. Psychology
            12. C.V.P. Chemistry
            13. C.V.P. Mathematics
            14. C.V.P. Biology
            15. C.V.P. Geology
            16. C.V.P. Informatics & Telecommunications
            17. C.V.P. Physical Science & Sport Sciences
            18. C.V.P. Communication & Mass Media
            19. C.V.P. Methodology of History & Theory of the Science
            20. C.V.P. Fine Arts, Music & Show-biz Arts
            21. C.V.P. Dietology, Food & Science Technology
            22. C.V.P. Agricultural – Crop & Animal Production and Agronomic Biotechnology
            23. C.V.P. Agricultural Economy & development and Agricultural Resources exploitation and Agricultural Engineering
            24. C.V.P. Sociology
            25. C.V.P. Business Administration Management and Research & Marketing
            26. C.V.P. Civil , Architectural, Mechanical & Chemical Engineering
            27. C.V.P. Naval Architecture

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Περιγραφή: free journal articles

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